Sabrina - Foam



The Sabrina-Foam is a foam extraction machine, with an internal compressor. It sprays a special dense foam on the surface that is to be cleaned, either being carpet or upholstery.
The foam density is adjustable. Sabrina-Foam can also work as an injection-extraction machine. Its high-waterlift vacuum system allows the recovery of the maximum quantity of dirt from the carpet and upholstery. It also achieves the shortest drying time possible.


The Sabrina-Foam is a foam extraction machine, with an internal compressor. It sprays a special dense foam on the surface that is to be cleaned, either being carpet or upholstery.
The foam density is adjustable. Sabrina-Foam can also work as an injection-extraction machine. Its high-waterlift vacuum system allows the recovery of the maximum quantity of dirt from the carpet and upholstery. It also achieves the shortest drying time possible.


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